AbunDance Academy of the Arts, presents our annual June Concert entitled “Rooted”, a dance performance featuring AbunDance 2021 - 2022 Academy, Acro, Arts in Education and Adult students. "Rooted" is the celebration of the African, Caribbean, Latino and African-American history, folklore and culture. With over 100 performers ranging from 2.5 to 70 years old, “Rooted” aims to celebrate
prominent songs, dances and traditions that celebrates having pride in our heritage and history. In the words of James Baldwin, “Know from whence you came. If you know whence you came, there are absolutely no limitations to where you can go.” The suggested Donation is $30 per Teen/Adult and $15 for children under 10. There will be a Live Stream Option in addition to the In-Person Show. To register for the event, everyone will have to complete a Jotform Online Form and Pre-Pay via the Jotform site:
For more info, call 347.788.1069 or email info@abundancearts.org.